SNO - STR - 1998 - 021 Revision 0 DESCRIPTION OF THE SNO MICROSEISMIC DETECTION SYSTEM by J.D. HEPBURN Dec, 1998 ********************************* Table of Contents: 1. Preamble 2. Basic Detection Scheme 3. Mine-Wide System 4. Sensor Array within SNO 5. SNO Data Analysis System 6. Operational Philosophy for the SNO System 7. Applicability of the SNO System to SNO Neutrino Detector Data ********************************* 1. Preamble Any large body of rock has a variety of inhomogeneities in it, such as faults, high stress zones, dykes, and interfaces between different rock masses within the rock body. Normally the masses are stably held against each other by friction, assisted by clamping forces arising from pressure from the surrounding rock. However, when lateral stresses overcome friction, one rock mass moves relative to another and a "seismic event" occurs. If these are naturally occurring, they are called tremors or earthquakes. Changes in stress pattern might be caused by plate tectonics, gravitational effects in the earth's crust caused by the sun and the moon, or man-induced activities such as mining or building power dams. Within the mining industry, a great deal of effort and expense is devoted to analyzing stresses, stabilizing mining areas, and back-filling mined-out areas. In spite of this, some changes in local stress patterns are inevitable. Additional events occur as rock bursts, where stress is relieved by rock fracturing and moving in the direction of a stress gradient. The more obvious of these are where "loose" (pieces of rock no longer joined to the rock mass) is created at an opening in the rock. Blasting in the mine also produces a seismic-like signature. Acoustic noises are created by all these processes, and occur frequently throughout the mine. Activity in a given area is an indicator of rock instability. For this reason INCO maintains a network of hundreds of sensors throughout the mine that is monitored on a continual basis; SNO also maintains a local system. 2. Basic Detection Scheme The detection of seismic activity consists of locating the source of the energy emission plus estimating the magnitude of the event. In this regard, the microseismic detection process is very like that used for detection of neutrinos in SNO: -- energy radiates from a point source -- the energy is detected by sensors for which the time of arrival of the energy is recorded -- if enough sensors see energy in a given time window, then the event is captured as data -- the times of arrival at the individual sensors triangulated back to give the location of the point source All the events listed above give frequencies in the acoustic, audible range of typically 500 to 5000 Hz so the sensors used are just microphones that are embedded in holes in the rock. A crucial feature of the heads is that they are directional, and have a cosine response function. For practical purposes they record sounds in a forward and backward cone of 45 degree half-angle about the central axis. The velocity of sound in rock varies from 18,000 to 20,000 feet per second. 3. Mine-Wide Systems While there are many systems in the mine, the ones that concern us most are: -- INCO MP250 (source location) -- INCO / Canmet (magnitudes) (being decommissioned) -- "Mines Design" (developmental system used by P. Vasak, working as part of the CAMIRO consortium, on development of full-waveform analyses) -- SNO system The current relevant data flow from 6800 to surface is: analog signals go by twisted pairs up #8 shaft to 6400 where there are two 64 channel multiplexers that send both the SNO and the Mines Design data to surface via fiber optics. There signals are de-multiplexed, sent to computers, and digitized by cards in the computers. SNO channels are sent to the SNO computer, and in addition certain Mines Design analog signals are split and sent to both the SNO and the Mines Design computers. There are about 12 channels available for transmission of SNO signals to surface (limited both by a 12 pair cable from 6800 to 6400 and by available channels in the main fibre optics multiplexer). 4. Sensor Array within SNO Figure 1 shows the sensors that have been installed at various times, in the SNO area, with their original numbering. These are indicated as numbers within circles. The three geotechnical stations (numbered 1 and 2 in the utility room, and # 3 in the ramp) are also indicated. Figure 2 shows the sensor array as it is currently connected at this time. Note that while a variety of numbers has been assigned to various heads (some of which are either not functioning or lost or buried in sandfill) in the past, as in Figure 1, the present scheme uses the channel number in the data logger to identify the heads. Unless otherwise noted, the holes containing the heads are drilled about 8 feet deep. Table 1 shows the head-location and interconnections in the system. The top part of the table shows defunct/not used heads. Note that there is a functioning head (original # 3) part way down the ramp (half way between present numbers # 11 and # 10) that is not connected/used due to lack of a functioning channel to surface. The bottom half of the table lists the actual channels. Of the 16 possible channels, 12 are now functioning. The geometrical data are "X" = lateral coordinate, northing, in feet "Y" = lateral coordinate, easting, in feet "Z" = depth/ elevation in feet. for example: cavity centre = 6837n 3149e 6823d (approx) chiller = 6140n 3940e 6780d (approx) The bars shown for each head in Figure 1 indicate the approximate depth and orientation of each bore hole, hence the orientation of the respective heads. This is also described in the "location" column of Table 1. (Orientation coordinates will be worked out in due course.) 5. SNO Data Analysis System The data system runs on a computer with Windows 95 and Access 97 as the basic operating and database systems. The microseismic data logging software is proprietary and purchased from ESG Canada. The basic blocks are: -- WCRON: program scheduler -- GPS: universal time, taken from a signal generated at and used by INCO -- WINAQ: captures waveforms, performs trigger and capture functions -- ALOC: locates events from captured waveforms -- ARCHIVE: saves data from ALOC onto hard drive and optical disk -- WAVEVIS: allows viewing of seismic waveforms off the sensors -- SEISVIS: shows locations of reconstructed events, within a defined viewing volume -- DATABASE: high-level access to stored data Because the heads are all uniaxial ones, it is impossible to get a Richter-type magnitude for the event (although, we do have a measure of signal strength for each event, subject to the directional- sensitivity issue). 6. Operational Philosophy for the SNO System The purpose of the SNO system is to see if there is any seismic activity in the environs of the SNO cavity, which the INCO systems do not cover well. This purpose has allowed/forced the following conditions: -- has an "nhit" of 8 with only 12 sensors -- many events that can be heard at SNO will not be reconstructed because: -- the limited number of sensors, plus the directionality of them, may mean too-few sensors receive useful signals -- may be too weak to record -- source is not within purview of the SNO array therefore does not reconstruct -- may reconstruct but not be located within the fairly tight boundaries defined within the software as the zone of interest 7. Applicability of the SNO system to SNO neutrino detector data a. Use of detected events by the SNO microseismic system in analyzing SNO detector data -- events captured by the SNO microseismic system must be fairly "robust" ones, because at least 8 heads have detected significant sounds. -- one might expect, therefore, that if there is indeed an effect of microseismic noise on the SNO detector, the effect should be there and be detectable for most if not all reported seismic events. -- there is the problem of correlating the two GPS systems (SNO and INCO). -- any such comparisons are off-line b. Finding microseismic events and times of interest, starting with the SNO detector data -- as stated above, many "loud" events will not be captured by the SNO microseismic system yet could perturb the SNO detector. -- using the INCO system as a data source is much better, as it will include all significant events -- there is the problem of correlating the two GPS time signatures -- the comparison is off-line and, because of the large number of events in the INCO system, cumbersome. c. Incorporation of microseismic data in the SNO detector data stream -- the constraints of nhit and reconstruction in the SNO system mean it is unlikely to be a good source of complete data, and getting that data from the microseismic system to the SNO data stream is difficult. -- on the other hand, the signals from the heads could be used directly within the SNO lab, as: -- amplify, rectify, add and integrate signals from several heads that have a variety of orientations -- a discriminator set on the resulting signal would trigger an entry in the SNO data stream. -- note that the CMA system is not useful for this purpose, as: -- it is not based on GPS time -- it is a polled, not interrupt driven, system so could miss events -- the advantages of such a system include: -- depends only on loudness, not location -- the integration time and discriminator level can be set, with some experience, to match the sensitivity of the SNO detector to the sounds -- timing is based on only one GPS: that of the SNO data stream. -- a measure of loudness could be recorded in the data stream. Figure 1: SNO Seismic Array Showing all heads by the original numbering scheme Figure 2: SNO Seismic Array Showing head identification by data logger channel number