The following SNO Technical Reports (STRs) were written during the construction and operation of SNO. As the information contained in these STRs may be of interest to others we have made these reports available. Use of any of this information should be acknowledged. The reader should note, though, that these reports have not been refereed and may be out of date or contain errors.
Year Categories
- Acrylic Vessel
- Calibration
- Concentrators
- Construction
- Data Acquisition
- Electronics
- Management
- Neutral Current Detectors
- Photo-Multiplier Tubes
- Phototube Support
- Radioactivity
- Simulations
- Software
- Water
Wat SNO-STR-90-019 Report on activities -- W.E.T. lab
M.Q. Liu, H .Lee, and A. McDonald, Jan 9
Wat SNO-STR-90-060 Leaching of glass by ultrapure water
P. Trent, April
Wat SNO-STR-90-081 Report on Water R and D
D. Sinclair, July 3
Wat SNO-STR-90-134 Some technical aspects of the SNO bladders
R. Schubank, Sept 11
Wat SNO-STR-90-166 Leaching, cleaning and water specifications
D. Sinclair, Dec 3
Wat SNO-STR-91-048 Ultrafiltration Technology and Applications to SNO
A.B. Knox, E.W. Hooper, N.W. Tanner, M. Omori, R.A. Black June, 1991
Wat SNO-STR-91-053 Degassing the initial fill (U)
H. Lee and I. Stairs July 25 (water, radon ) final version, not refereed
Wat SNO-STR-91-054 Using Molecular sieve (U)
H. Lee and A. McDonald July 18 (water, radioactivity of sieve, radon emanation) final version, not refereed
Wat SNO-STR-91-062 The measurement of the attenuation of light by water in SNO A robust method using a horizontal optical path
S. Noel and H. Mes Oct. 2, 1991
Wat SNO-STR-91-064 Radon content in the Carleton ultrapure water (U)
X. Zhu, B. Sur, H. Lee and A.B. McDonald Oct. 31
Wat SNO-STR-91-083 Summary Report in Radon Emanation
M.-Q. Liu, H. Lee, X. Zhu, B. Sur, A. McDonald, J.-X. Wang, P. Jagam and J. Simpson Dec. 31
Wat SNO-STR-92-011 Removal of 226Ra from NaCl solution
M. Omori, R. Black, E.W. Hooper, A.B. Knox and P. Trent Mar. (radioactivity, MnO2, HTiO, Sb2O5)
Wat SNO-STR-92-015 Options for the makeup water
H. Lee, B. Sur, X. Zhu and A.B. McDonald March 17 (water system, makeup holding tank)
Wat SNO-STR-92-016 Estimates of emanated radon load
H. Lee, B. Sur, M.Q. Liu, X. Zhu and A.B. McDonald March 29 (radioactivity, water system, radon)
Wat SNO-STR-92-025 Radium 226 entrapment by crown ethers (Feb 1991-Mar 92)
M. Shatkay and C. Shewchuck April 27 (water, crown ethers)
Wat SNO-STR-92-040 D2O radon considerations
H. Lee, B. Sur, X. Xhu and A. McDonald May 25
Wat SNO-STR-92-044 An initial investigation of the absorption of thorium from 10% salt solution
A.B. Knox June 15
Wat SNO-STR-92-046 The removal of 234Th from NaCl solution
S. Lilley and M. Omori June 23
Wat SNO-STR-92-050 Salination and desalination of D2O in the SNO detector
N. Tanner June 29
Wat SNO-STR-92-056 Memo on the use of polypropylene piping material in the SNO heavy water system
B. Sur July 16
Wat SNO-STR-92-088 Proposed procedure for salt purification
M. Moorhead and N. Tanner Oct. 12
Wat SNO-STR-92-089 Seeded tangential filtration progress and prognosis
S. Lilley, M. Moorhead and N. Tanner Sept.
Wat SNO-STR-92-090 Seeded ultrafiltration for Th chain assay in the D2O
P. Trent, M. Moorhead, E. Hooper, R. Black, N. Tanner, B. Knox, M. Omori and S. Lilley Nov. 13
Wat SNO-STR-92-092 General concepts for monitoring lead 212 in the SNO experiment
M. Shatkay et al Sept.
Wat SNO-STR-92-093 The separation of lead on reverse osmosis and nano filtration membranes
M. Shatkay, C. Shewchuk, D. Sinclair, J. Hazlett, A. Tweedle and C. Striez Nov.
Wat SNO-STR-93-009 Light scattering and absorption due to bacterial activity in water
C. Waltham, J. Boyle, B. Ramey and J. Smit March 24
Wat SNO-STR-93-022 Leakage in the 60 Tonne D2O Tanks
H.W. Lee and B.C. Robertson May 6
Wat SNO-STR-93-033 Heavy water monitoring technique for the 232Th chain contaminant: 212Pb precipitation and alpha counting
G. Laberge, D. Sinclair, M. Shatkay and C. Shewchuk July 12
Wat SNO-STR-93-036 Determination of the uranium level in CRPP water with MnO2 coated acrylic beads
A.P. Yalin, V.S. Uras, H.W. Lee and A.B. McDonald June 19
Wat SNO-STR-93-038 Summary of July measurements on CRPP water with MNO2 beads
A.P. Yalin, V.S. Uras, H.W. Lee and A.B. McDonald Aug. 13
Wat SNO-STR-93-049 SNO Cover gas An Alternative design concept
D. Sinclair and K. McFarlane Sept. 27
Wat SNO-STR-93-058 HTiO: sorption and elution
W. Locke Dec. 3
Wat SNO-STR-93-063 The measurement of 220Rn extraction efficiency for various pressures, flow rates and MnO2 Depths
G. Laberge and C. Hargrove Dec.
Wat SNO-STR-93-065 Polypropylene pipe and beads
H.W. Lee, E.D. Earle, J.X. Wang, B. Knox and K. McFarlane Dec. 17
Wat SNO-STR-94-001 Radium removal/monitoring in the SNO experiment using MnO2 XAD-7 resin
C. Shewchuk, M. Shatkay and D. Sinclair Jan. 7
Wat SNO-STR-94-024 Rn emanation results
V. Uras, P. Gerard, J. Tan, H.W. Lee and A.B. McDonald Sept.
Wat SNO-STR-94-025 An investigation of the SUF of radium using different membranes
G. White Aug. 2
Wat SNO-STR-94-026 The effect of EDTA on the absorption of 226Ra, 212Pb and 228Th by HTiO
A. Green Aug. 17
Wat SNO-STR-94-034 Radioactivities in magnesium chloride: SNO samples
A.R. Smith, D.L. Hurley and R.J. McDonald Sept. 25
Wat SNO-STR-94-038 Plate-out of 228Th, 224Ra and 212Pb onto PP, acrylic and Hastelloy in UPW and EDTA solutions
M. Shatkay and I. Blevis Sept
Wat SNO-STR-94-039 Th/Ra/Pb extraction onto MnO2 resin and the effect of EDTA
M. Chen and M. Shatkay Sept.
Wat SNO-STR-94-040 Design criteria for purification and assay of heavy water by seeded ultrafiltration
M. Moorhead, N. Tanner, P. Trent, W. Locke, B. Knox and R. Taplin Aug 12
Wat SNO-STR-94-041 Design description for the seeded ultrafiltration plant at Sudbury
M. Moorhead, N. Tanner, P. Trent, W. Locke, B. Knox, R. Taplin, R. Every and H. Heron Sept.
Wat SNO-STR-94-042 Completion of R and D for the seeded ultrafiltration system
N.W. Tanner, P.T. Trent, W.J. Locke, A.B. Knox and R.K. Taplin Sept.
Wat SNO-STR-94-046 K leaching from MnO2 preparations
I. Blevis and M. Shatkay Oct.
Wat SNO-STR-94-048 Rn emanation from cleaned PP pipes
H.W. Lee, M. Shatkay, K. McFarlane, P. Gerard and J. Tan Oct. 21
Wat SNO-STR-94-049 Radon emanation into water
H.W. Lee, P. Gerard and J. Tan Oct. 21
Wat SNO-STR-95-003 Design description for the seeded ultrafiltration plant at Sudbury (version II)
W. Locke et al Jan 23
Wat SNO-STR-95-004 Th/Ra/Pb extraction onto Diakon-MnO2 resin and the effect of EDTA
M. Chen and M. Shatkay Oct. 94 - Dec. 94
Wat SNO-STR-95-005 Stripping of plated-out activities by various reagents - a preliminary report
M. Shatkay Jan
Wat SNO-STR-95-018 Secondary concentration of lead and thorium and the SUF eluate using solvent-solvent extraction
H. Heron March 16
Wat SNO-STR-95-019 An investigation of SUF at the 100l scale
R. Taplin March 17
Wat SNO-STR-95-021 Monitoring of light and heavy water systems in SNO for parameters other than radioactivity
C. Shewchuk and M. Shatkay March 16
Wat SNO-STR-95-049 Vibra Drier
B. Knox June 11
Wat SNO-STR-95-051 A condition for the absence of convection in light and heavy water
S. Brice Nov. 18
Wat SNO-STR-96-013 On Rn diffusion thorough urethane and polypropylene
E. Bonvin, P. Jagam, H. Lee, V. Novikov and J. Tan March 4
Wat SNO-STR-96-041 O2 Removal Efficiency of the Liquicel
E. Bonvin (H. Lee, Editor)
Wat SNO-STR-96-047 A reconsideration of the measurements with the O ring stack
B.T. Cleveland and J.K. Rowley
Wat SNO-STR-96-064 Recent measurements with the O-ring stack
B.T. Cleveland and H.W. Lee Dec. 9
Wat SNO-STR-97-005 The production of 228Th-less 224Ra solutions using HTiO
R.K. Taplin and M.E. Moorhead
Wat SNO-STR-2000-016 Technique of rapid assay of radium isotopes in water
M. Yeh
Wat SNO-STR-2001-012 Spectroscopic Investigation of Ferrous, Ferric, and Manganese Ions in Aqueous Solution
Minfang Yeh and R.L. Hahn
URL: sno/str/index.html (Last revised Nov. 12, 2009)
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