The following SNO Technical Reports (STRs) were written during the construction and operation of SNO. As the information contained in these STRs may be of interest to others we have made these reports available. Use of any of this information should be acknowledged. The reader should note, though, that these reports have not been refereed and may be out of date or contain errors.
Year Categories
- Acrylic Vessel
- Calibration
- Concentrators
- Construction
- Data Acquisition
- Electronics
- Management
- Neutral Current Detectors
- Photo-Multiplier Tubes
- Phototube Support
- Radioactivity
- Simulations
- Software
- Water
Rad SNO-STR-90-002 High energy gamma rays from 27Al(alpha, p gamma) reaction
K.T. Lesko, E. Norman, B. Sur, Jan 9
Rad SNO-STR-90-003 Neutrons activation measurement using a Compton-suppressed Ge-detector
E.T.H. Clifford, H. Less and J.R. Leslie, Jan 9
Rad SNO-STR-90-007 Advantages of weight splitting in deep penetration gamma-ray Calculations
E.T.H Clifford, Jan 9
Rad SNO-STR-90-008 Background from the walls and floors of the SNO cavity
E.T.H. Clifford, Jan 9
Rad SNO-STR-90-009 Natural radioactive contamination in various materials
J. Barton, Jan 9
Rad SNO-STR-90-048 Radioactivity of aluminum
Simpson and Jagam, April 9
Rad SNO-STR-90-052 Low-activity concrete preparation and testing
E. D. Hallman and D. Cluff, April 15
Rad SNO-STR-90-061 LBL Radioactive survey results to date
A. Smith et al, April 20
Rad SNO-STR-90-066 Specification document for cavity sheilding
P. Skensved et al, May 4
Rad SNO-STR-90-069 Table of primordial radioactivity levels in a variety of materials
J. Simpson and P. Jagam, May 7
Rad SNO-STR-90-070 Chemical processing of acrylic samples for U and Th
M. Fowler and J. Wilhelmy, May
Rad SNO-STR-90-071 Lasers in atomic spectroscopy
B. Knox, May 7
Rad SNO-STR-90-072 Probable 235U contamination of samples at McMaster reactor
J. Simpson and P. Jagam, May 18
Rad SNO-STR-90-075 Radon emanation from stainless steel
M.Q.Liu H. Lee, I Fallas and A. McDonald, June 17
Rad SNO-STR-90-076 Concrete, Sulfurcrete, sheilding research
D. Hallman, June 20
Rad SNO-STR-90-102 Detailed cavity background evaluation
P. Skensved et al, Sept 7
Rad SNO-STR-90-111 Alpha particle induced high-energy gamma rays from light elements
R. Heaton, H. Lee, and BC Roberston
Rad SNO-STR-90-113 Status report - boronated concrete and sulphurcrete
ED Hallan and DL Cluff, Sept 6
Rad SNO-STR-90-123 concrete, sulfurcrete, shielding research
ED Hallman, Sept 5
Rad SNO-STR-90-125 Radioactivities of internal components of candidate PMTs
A. Smith and D. Hurley, Sept. 10
Rad SNO-STR-90-126 Measurement of Th in NaCl
EB Norman, B Sur, K Lesko, and K Wedding Sept
Rad SNO-STR-90-129 Radon and dust measurements
ED Hallman and DL Duff, Sept
Rad SNO-STR-90-130 Limits on 220 Rn emmission from stainless steel
D Wark, A Ferraris, and B Knox, Sept 11
Rad SNO-STR-90-142 Plastic coatings for radon suppression
R. Schubank, Oct 25
Rad SNO-STR-90-155 Concrete, sulfurcrete and shielding research
E D Hallman , Nov 5
Rad SNO-STR-91-009 Establishing a cleanliness program and specifications for the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
E.D. Hallman Feb. 18 (facilities, dust levels, estimate of cavity air cleanliness, recommendations, further research) draft for comments, not refereed
Rad SNO-STR-91-015 Gamma spectrometric analyses of materials
A. Smith and D. Hurley Feb. 20 (radioactivity, cables, aluminum, polishing agents, glass making items, epoxy/fiberglass, various plastics) final version, not refereed
Rad SNO-STR-91-020 Cavity Construction Quality Control (backgrounds)
P. Skensved, H. Lee and B.C. Robertson March 21 (facilities, waist shield, surface contamination, steel liner, deck, glove box) draft, sent out for comments
Rad SNO-STR-91-031 Interim internal background studies
P. Skensved and B.C. Robertson June 19 (shielding, background)
Rad SNO-STR-91-039 Measurements of Th, U and K Concentrations in a Variety of Materials
P. Jagam and J.J. Simpson June, 1991
Rad SNO-STR-91-044 Gamma ray spectrometric analysis using NaI(Tl)
A.R. Smith, D.L. Hurley June 15, 1991
Rad SNO-STR-91-045 Gamma ray spectrometric analysis using Ge detector
A.R. Smith, D.L. Hurley June 15, 1991
Rad SNO-STR-91-055 Some elementary considerations about cover gas
B. Sur Aug. 9 (water, radon level) final version, not refereed
Rad SNO-STR-91-066 Delivering Clean components to the Cavity
R.G. Stokstad, edit Nov. 12 (cleanliness, acrylic, PMT, concentrators, PSUP, assembly facility, material transport, interaction with suppliers)
Rad SNO-STR-91-067 Specifications of room finishes
E.D. Hallman and R. Stokstad Nov. 14
Rad SNO-STR-91-068 Emanation of radon from solid samples
J. Bigu, E.D. Hallman and L. Kendrick Nov. 28
Rad SNO-STR-91-069 Permeability of different materials to radon (222Rn)
gas J. Bigu, E.D. Hallman and L. Kendrick Nov. 28
Rad SNO-STR-91-076 Radioactivity in Rope
P. Jagam, J.-X. Wang and J.J. Simpson Nov. 30
Rad SNO-STR-92-005 Radon Measurements Jan 1992 6800 ft level
E.D. Hallman, D.L. Cluff and D. Cloutier Feb. 24 (radon, compressed air, drill hole, rock and concrete)
Rad SNO-STR-92-006 Leaching: situation report Dec. 6, 1991
P. Trent Feb (leaching, thoriated glass)
Rad SNO-STR-92-012 Some preliminary considerations about cover gas
S. Gil, C. Waltham and L. McGarry Revised May 14 (cover gas, biology, sources of clean gas)
Rad SNO-STR-92-017 Radon control options for the liner
B. Sur, H. Lee and B.C. Robertson March 27 (liner, radon diffusion)
Rad SNO-STR-92-018 Emanation and permeability studies at the Elliot Lake Laboratory
J. Bigu and E.D. Hallman April (222Rn, emanation, Miradrain, Miradri)
Rad SNO-STR-92-023 Final cleanliness measures: a conceptual plan
R.G. Stokstad April 20 (cleanliness)
Rad SNO-STR-92-026 Measurement of mine dust deposited on sanded acrylic surfaces under bonding conditions at the 4600' laboratory
Y. Hui, E. Kong, T. da Cruz and R. Stokstad May 5
Rad SNO-STR-92-037 Radon Emanation from materials
J. Bigu and D. Hallman May 15
Rad SNO-STR-92-047 Establishing clean room conditions in the laboratory
R.G. Stokstad, E.D. Hallman and L. Moriarty July 8
Rad SNO-STR-92-048 Measuring mine dust on surfaces
R.G. Stokstad July 8
Rad SNO-STR-92-049 Contamination control study on mine dust
E. Kong July 8
Rad SNO-STR-92-051 The permanent entry
R.G. Stokstad et al July 8
Rad SNO-STR-92-052 Procedures for car wash
R.G. Stokstad et al July 8
Rad SNO-STR-92-057 Cover gas design Criteria
C.E. Waltham, S. Gil, B. Sur, H. Lee and B.C. Robertson Aug. 14 Draft
Rad SNO-STR-92-064 Radon emanation from shotcrete
J. Bigu and E.D. Hallman Sept. 10
Rad SNO-STR-92-069 Radioactivities of silicon carbide abrasives
A.R. Smith and D. Hurley Sept. 28
Rad SNO-STR-92-073 TOC and ICP tests of Urylon
C. Waltham Sept. 30
Rad SNO-STR-92-074 Measurements of Th/Fe ratios in rocks collected in and around the SNO detector site
E.B. Norman and M.T.F. Da Cruz Oct. 1992
Rad SNO-STR-92-078 Thorium and iron content of mine dust
R. Stokstad Oct. 2 Preliminary
Rad SNO-STR-92-079 Implementing the cleanliness program
R. Stokstad Sept. 28
Rad SNO-STR-92-080 Background and rope sample test update, Low level gamma ray spectrometer
E. D. Hallman, P. Jagam and D. Cloutier Oct. 1
Rad SNO-STR-92-082 Radon considerations for the new liner
B. Sur, H. Lee, D. Sinclair and B. Robertson Oct.
Rad SNO-STR-92-083 Efficiencies of removing dust on acrylic plastic surfaces by non-agitated deionizer water
E. Kong Oct. 23
Rad SNO-STR-93-001 Radon emanation from Urylon 201-15FR
H. Lee Jan. 5
Rad SNO-STR-93-012 Summary of radon emanation measurements on Urylon
H. Lee April 15
Rad SNO-STR-93-018 A final evaluation of dust's remains on dust cover surface
E. Kong May, 1993
Rad SNO-STR-93-027 Summary of radon Urethane O-ring measurements
A. Yalin, V.S. Uras, H.W. Lee and A.B. McDonald June 9, 1993
Rad SNO-STR-93-037 Summary of radon measurements on the mine box at 6800 feet
A.P. Yalin, D. Cluff, D. Hallman, V.S. Uras, H.W. Lee and A.B. McDonald July 21
Rad SNO-STR-93-052 Permeability properties of Urylon-453 (3.26 mm) to 222Rn
J. Bigu, E.D. Hallman and P. Patrakka Sept. 30
Rad SNO-STR-93-055 Radon measurements on Box II at 6800 feet
V. Uras, H.W. Lee, D. Cluff, D Hallman and A.B. McDonald Nov. 5
Rad SNO-STR-93-056 Radon and thoron interference in the determination of thorium and uranium in materials at sub-ng/g to a few ng/g level and potassium at a few ppm level by direct gamma-ray counting
P. Jagam, J.J. Simpson and E.D. Hallman Dec
Rad SNO-STR-93-059 Radon emanation from Black acrylic
V. Uras, H.W. Lee and A.B. McDonald Nov. 15
Rad SNO-STR-94-015 Radioactivities of rock samples from SNO cavity excavation
A.R. Smith
Rad SNO-STR-94-016 Radioactivities in Kevlar and vectran filaments: 1994 SNO samples
A.R. Smith and DL. Hurley April 19
Rad SNO-STR-94-023 Direct counting of U, Th and K levels in candidate support-rope materials for SNO
J.G. Hykawy, D.L. Cluff and E.D. Hallman Sept. 7
Rad SNO-STR-94-028 Radon in the Acrylic vessel
H.W. Lee Sept. 30
Rad SNO-STR-94-033 The Atmosphere in the cavity during the fill period
C. Waltham Sept. 26
Rad SNO-STR-94-043 Determination of radionuclide concentration in sample Kevlar rope
J.S. Hykawy and E.D. Hallman Sept. 19
Rad SNO-STR-95-029 Th in Kevlar rope by NAA
D. Earle April 17
Rad SNO-STR-95-036 Radon measurements in the SNO laboratory
D. Hallman May 16
Rad SNO-STR-95-043 Radon on surface and underground at SNO site
V.M. Novikov Aug 10
Rad SNO-STR-95-044 Deposition rates of uranium and thorium by neutron activation analysis (For July 27 to Aug 27)
P. Jagam, J.J. Simpson and N. Tagg Sept. 26
Rad SNO-STR-95-045 Radon from Torlon plastic
H. Lee and J. Tan
Rad SNO-STR-95-050 Deposition rates of U and Th by NAA of witness plates
P. Jagam and J.J. Simpson Nov. 10
Rad SNO-STR-95-057 Underground air radon monitoring: first experiment
J.X. Wang and J.J. Simpson Dec. 1
Rad SNO-STR-96-021 Some aspects of the radon problem
E. Bonvin , B. Cleveland, P. Jagam, H. Lee, V. Novikov and M. Steiner June 6
Rad SNO-STR-96-022 Radon measurements with a portable air sampler coupled to the mobile electrostatic chamber
P. Jagam May 29
Rad SNO-STR-96-024 Radioactivity in carbon black used in AV covers by gamma-ray counting
P. Jagam and J. Law June 18
Rad SNO-STR-96-028 Reduction of the radon levels in the SNO underground laboratory: internal source from emanated radon excluding leakage of air into the utility room
P. Jagam and J.J. Simpson June 21
Rad SNO-STR-96-031 Radon emanation measurement in the utility room at SNO underground laboratory
P. Jagam, J.J. Simpson, J.-X. Wang, E. Bonvin, H. Lee, H. Mende, D. Hepburn and E. Saettler
Rad SNO-STR-96-037 Radioactivity of Vectran (1/16 inch) rope and nylon balls by direct gamma-ray counting
E.D. Hallman, C. Ross. R. Michaud and J. Hykawy Sept. 1996
Rad SNO-STR-96-048 Systems for producing radon-free compressed air - Report IV
P. Jagam
Rad SNO-STR-96-049 Radium assay of the 60 ton tanks
J.-X. Wang, E. Bonvin, H. Lee and M. Steiner
Rad SNO-STR-96-060 Measurement of radon emanation from bubble detector tubing
J.X. Wang, H.W. Lee, M. O'Neill an A.B. McDonald
Rad SNO-STR-96-063 Experimental observations of U/Th decays in glass
W. Frati and R.G. Van de Water Dec. 5
Rad SNO-STR-97-009 High energy gamma-ray measurements in the SNO cavity
M. Isaac
Rad SNO-STR-97-036 Development of a trap to measure radon concentration in a high flow stream of nitrogen gas
B.T. Cleveland Sept. 12
Rad SNO-STR-97-042 Sampling of Utility Room air to determine the 222Rn Level
B. Stanley and H. Lee
URL: sno/str/index.html (Last revised Nov. 12, 2009)
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