The following SNO Technical Reports (STRs) were written during the construction and operation of SNO. As the information contained in these STRs may be of interest to others we have made these reports available. Use of any of this information should be acknowledged. The reader should note, though, that these reports have not been refereed and may be out of date or contain errors.
Year Categories
- Acrylic Vessel
- Calibration
- Concentrators
- Construction
- Data Acquisition
- Electronics
- Management
- Neutral Current Detectors
- Photo-Multiplier Tubes
- Phototube Support
- Radioactivity
- Simulations
- Software
- Water
AV SNO-STR-90-001 Report on Staging
E.D. Earle, Jan 1
AV SNO-STR-90-004 Collection of notes on acrylic radioactivity
E.D. Earle et al, Jan 9
AV SNO-STR-90-005 Alpha spectrometric measurements of Th and U in acrylic
G. Milton, Jan 9
AV SNO-STR-90-006 Low activity concrete preparation of Th and U in acrylic
G. Milton, Jan 9
AV SNO-STR-90-012 Mechanical Properties work package
P. Doe, Jan 9
AV SNO-STR-90-018 Laser fluorescence of acrylic
E. T. H. Clifford, Jan 9
AV SNO-STR-90-023 Minutes of discussion on acrylic vessel
G. Buehler, Jan 11
AV SNO-STR-90-025 minutes if acrylic radioactivity group
ETH Clifford, Jan 17
AV SNO-STR-90-047 Alpha spectrometric report
G. Milton, April
AV SNO-STR-90-055 Evidence for a heterogeneous distribution of thorium in acrylic
ETH Clifford, H Lee, W Edwards, April 17
AV SNO-STR-90-057 Acrylic radioactivity mass spectrometry results
E.D. Earle et al, April 18
AV SNO-STR-90-063 Acrylic radioactivity report summary
E.D. Earle, April 18
AV SNO-STR-90-064 Report on INAA of acrylic
J. Simpson and P. Jagam, April 27
AV SNO-STR-90-074 CRNL Report on acrylic radioactivity
E.D. Earle, June 7
AV SNO-STR-90-087 Scattering of light in crazed acrylic
S. Johnson, J. Bibb, and P. Doe, July 25
AV SNO-STR-90-090 PMT implosions and the acylic vessel
P. Doe, July 31
AV SNO-STR-90-096 Acrylic Vessel - NC interfaces
P. Doe, Sept.
AV SNO-STR-90-097 Th and U measurements in acrylic
M. Fowler and J. Wilhelmy, Sept.
AV SNO-STR-90-109 Design criteria document for acrylic vessel
P. Cumyn, Aug 28
AV SNO-STR-90-110 Acrylic vessel activities
P. Doe, August
AV SNO-STR-90-118 Preliminary cavern assembly procedure
P. Cumyn, Sept. 10
AV SNO-STR-90-122 Status of acrylic R and D
P. Doe, Sept 5
AV SNO-STR-90-124 Calculated buckling loads for the SNO vessel
T. Butler, Sept 7
AV SNO-STR-90-145 acrylic vessel activities
P. Doe, Nov 1
AV SNO-STR-90-148 LANL acrylic report
J. Wilhelmy and M Fowler, Nov 1
AV SNO-STR-90-149 CRL monthly report on acrylic radioactivity
E. Bonvin et al, Nov 1
AV SNO-STR-90-161 Acrylic R and D, Nov
P. Doe, Nov 30
AV SNO-STR-90-163 CRL acrylic radioactivity
ED Earle, Nov 30
AV SNO-STR-91-003 Acrylic bond joints
P. Doe and J. Wouters (acrylic vessel) draft version, not refereed
AV SNO-STR-91-008 Correlation between trace element concentrations and Th levels in Polycast materials
E. Bonvin Feb. 18 (radioactivity, twenty trace elements, core and surface acrylic, monomer) final version, not refereed
AV SNO-STR-91-010 CRL acrylic radioactivity work (Sept. 1990 - Jan 1991)
E.D. Earle et al Feb. 18 (radioactivity, alpha spectroscopy, TIMS, NAA, draft acrylic vessel quality control) final version, not refereed
AV SNO-STR-91-016 Status of the acrylic vessel program
P. Doe Feb. 20 (acrylic vessel, suspension systems, bond strength tests, creep tests, preliminary design, sloshing analysis, acrylic supplier, vessel fabricator, installation, vessel acceptance, design plan schedule) final version, not refereed
AV SNO-STR-91-042 Division of the Acrylic Vessel
L. McGarry, D, Branch, A. Poon, C.E. Waltham June 14, 1991
AV SNO-STR-91-043 Preliminary Tests of Double-Coated Acrylic
C.E. Waltham, D. Branch, L. McGarry June 14, 1991
AV SNO-STR-91-046 Impact of the Acrylic Vessel on the Light Collection
E. Bonvin June 17, 1991
AV SNO-STR-91-049 Status of the Acrylic R&D Program
P.Doe, E.D. Earle June 21, 1991
AV SNO-STR-91-050 Status of the Engineering of the Acrylic Vessel
P.B. Cumyn June 19, 1991
AV SNO-STR-91-058 Creep of aged rope (U)
J. Bibb and P. Doe Sept. 3 (acrylic vessel, rope) final version, not refereed
AV SNO-STR-91-059 Locked in stress in bonded acrylic joints (U)
P. Doe Sept (acrylic vessel) final version, not refereed
AV SNO-STR-91-060 Effect of surface finish on bond strength (U)
J. Wouters and P. Doe Sept. (acrylic vessel) final version, not refereed
AV SNO-STR-91-070 Feasibility of Whole-Body Radioassay of SNO Acrylic Panels (U)
P. Doe, M. M. Fowler, A. Hallin, R. G. H. Robertson and J. B. Wilhelmy Oct. 18, 1991
AV SNO-STR-91-074 Acrylic vessel- NC Interfaces, an Update (U)
P. Doe et al Dec. 6
AV SNO-STR-92-013 Stress in acrylic due to water absorption/desorption
P. Doe March 10 (acrylic vessel)
AV SNO-STR-92-014 Optical properties of slush cast acrylic
B.C. Robertson March 10
AV SNO-STR-92-027 Acrylic Bonding tests
E.D. Hallman, D. Cluff, D. Cloutier March 1992
AV SNO-STR-92-036 Rope Properties
J.-X. Wang, P. Jagam, J.J. Simpson May 14
AV SNO-STR-92-041 Comparison of D2O and H2O absorption by acrylic
P. Doe May 29
AV SNO-STR-92-042 Investigation of stress associated with cycling acrylic in H2O, D2O and brine
P. Doe June 3
AV SNO-STR-92-045 Investigation of partial annealing of acrylic bonds joints
P. Doe June 22
AV SNO-STR-92-054 Investigation of sanded acrylic surfaces by optical microscopy
R. Stokstad and E. Kong July 23
AV SNO-STR-92-059 Thermal ionization mass spectroscopy analysis for the SNO project
N. Elliot Aug 14
AV SNO-STR-92-061 Measurements of Th and U in acrylic for SNO (R)
E.D. Earle and E. Bonvin Aug. 14
AV SNO-STR-92-081 Physics impact of the acrylic vessel thickness
E. Bonvin and B. Robertson Sept. 3
AV SNO-STR-92-086 Maintenance of clean conditions during the installation of the acrylic vessel - preliminary plan (U)
P. Doe Nov. 9
AV SNO-STR-93-021 Ultra trace analysis of acrylic for 232Th and 238U daughters
G. Milton, S. Kramer, R. Deal and E.D. Earle May (submitted to Appl Rad. Isotop.)
AV SNO-STR-93-029 Crazing of stressed acrylic induced by radiacwash and boric acid
S. Walston July 14
AV SNO-STR-93-042 Polycast acrylic sheets
E.D. Earle, R. Deal and E. Gaudette Sept. 14
AV SNO-STR-94-008 Optical transmission of soaked acrylic
E.D. Earle, Gaudette and E. Bonvin March 30
AV SNO-STR-94-009 Physics considerations of rope radioactivity
J. Wouters March 31
AV SNO-STR-94-010 Optical and Th Measurements of RPT acrylic samples
E.D. Earle, R. Deal and E. Gaudette April 11
AV SNO-STR-94-012 Crazing of stress acrylic by magnesium chloride solutions
S. Waltson April 19
AV SNO-STR-94-014 NAA of rope filaments
E.D. Earle April 20
AV SNO-STR-94-027 Leaching of Kevlar
C. Waltham Sept. 12
AV SNO-STR-95-011 Th concentration in various acrylic tubing
E.D. Earle Mar. 6
AV SNO-STR-95-012 Acrylic panel dimensions as measured by RPT
E.D. Earle Mar. 6
AV SNO-STR-95-014 Acrylic vessel cleanliness
E.D. Earle Mar. 6
AV SNO-STR-95-015 RPT bond test in ramp
E.D. Earle Mar. 6
AV SNO-STR-95-055 NAA acrylic contamination test in the cavity
B. Sur, E.D. Earle, E. Gaudette, R. Deal and G. Jonkmans Oct. 17
AV SNO-STR-96-070 Acrylic vessel cleaning tests
D. Earle, R.L. Hahn, E. Bonvin (and probably J. Boger)
AV SNO-STR-97-001 Tests of acrylic with phenol solutions
B. Knox and C. Goodwin
AV SNO-STR-97-024 Long-term immersion of acrylic in biocides
B. Knox August 25
AV SNO-STR-97-045 Location of NCD Attachment Anchors
R. Komar and P. Doe Nov. 26
AV SNO-STR-97-053 The Shape of the Upper Half of the Acrylic Vessel Prior to Hanging it on Ropes
R. Komar
AV SNO-STR-97-054 Long term Monitoring of Acrylic Bonds Immersed in Ultra Pure Water
Peter Doe, B. Brewer, D. Earle July
AV SNO-STR-98-003 The Shape of the Acrylic Vessel
R. Komar
AV SNO-STR-98-005 Summary report on Acrylic Vessel
D. Earle Feb 1998
AV SNO-STR-99-017 Long term test of NCD anchor system
P. Doe
AV SNO-STR-2000-014 Long Term Monitoring of Vectran Filaments Immersed in Ultra Pure Water
Peter Doe, Greg Harper, Davis Earle July 2000
AV SNO-STR-2000-018 Vectran rope stretch
D. Earle
URL: sno/str/index.html (Last revised Nov. 12, 2009)
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